The right of the city, the right of the students

Colima, Mexico


  1. Ministry of Mobility (State of Colima)
  2. Ministry of Education (State of Colima)
  3. Municipal Police (Municipality of Colima)
  4. Planning Institute of Colima (Municipality of Colima)
  5. 3M (Private sector)
0 (2020)
Number of schools
Number of students


Mexican cities are experiencing a process of rapid urbanization

Cities require strengthening, planning, redesigning and regeneration of safe public spaces, and sustainable mobility to improve urban living conditions

20% to 30% of the total daily commutes at the Metropolitan Area in Mexico, are related to school trips

Imperative to have school zones with healthy environments where youth can have safer public spaces and sustainable alternatives of mobility such as walking, biking, or accessing public and school transport


To optimize the information around public transport options for student’s mobility and the population in general around at least one school area in Colima or Villa de Álvarez

To ensure that the Municipal Traffic Department of Colima enforces the traffic code on speed and parking management using internationally recognized best practices, prioritizing low speed zones and high-risk corridors.

To ensure that the enforcement and mobility authorities in Colima clearly communicate their sanitation protocols to the school community (teachers, parents and students).  


Sustainable mobility: Optimizing student’s mobility through a pilot project by providing a healthy and secure options in school mobility

Road Safety: Improving quality of data and enforcement of speed limits

Stakeholder engagement: governmental partners and the active participation of young people as “agents of change”


October, 2018

Launching of the ‘Vamos Primero’ program 

This event was led by the state governor and two mayors. 
The ‘Vamos Primero’ program was born in 2018 from the Botnar Child Road Safety Challenge, it’s a program that at first focused on reducing road traffic crashes in school environments through speed management, now it has evolved to become a program for the generation of healthy, safe, and sustainable school environments.

May, 2019

First Tactical Urbanism Intervention in the state of Colima

The tactical urban intervention was a temporary infrastructure intervention aimed at demonstrating speed reduction through modification of the road design, achieving a 32% reduction in average vehicle speed. The results of this test were key to define a permanent infrastructure redesign. 

November, 2019

Publication of a State Regulation of Road Safety

This regulation establishes new speed limits state-wide, defining a maximum speed limit of 20 km/h, around urban equipment’s such as schools, parks, and hospitals. 

January, 2020

Infrastructure intervention in one of the city’s riskiest school environments

Through the diagnosis, the school zone where 1 out of every 3 road traffic crashes occurred during school start and end times was identified, where no motorist respected the 20 km/h speed limit and where more than 2,500 students attend. The intervention consisted of the construction of a speed humps, curb extensions, sidewalks, and placement of signals. These measures reduced the average speed by 19%, which translates into a reduction of up to 64% of fatal collisions and 48% of collisions resulting in serious injuries.

February, 2022

Collaboration agreement signed with the government of Colima

In November 2021 a new government took office in the state of Colima, due to this change it was necessary to prepare a new Memorandum of Understanding that reaffirmed the coordination for the development of the program with the new ministries.

June, 2022

Speed Surveillance and Control Workshop

The workshop was directed by the GRSP team where 37 agents in charge of regulation and control participated. The workshop focused on conveying to the agents the importance of surveillance and control in road safety and sharing knowledge regarding good practices of the ‘Safe System’ approach. Additionally, it also showed different technologies and methods for speed surveillance and control, as well as identifying contextual elements according to each environment, all in order to install technical capacities in the police to achieve measurable results in terms of public health by preventing deaths and injuries caused by road traffic crashes.

October, 2022

Launch of SIMOS

Development and launch of the integrated system of safe mobility- SIMOS. This is an open-source tool that integrates and serves as a data repository of population, infrastructure conditions, mobility, and road crash data- making it a pioneering tool for data integration nationwide that can be scale to other latitudes.

February, 2023

Participatory mapping conducted

This the tool allows students to identify the places that they like or dislike on their commutes to school by registering their geographic location and filling up a questionnaire. This helps obtain qualitative information to improve infrastructure conditions on the route to school.



Government officials partnered with and trained
Students engaged via training, education, and competitions
Teachers benefited from capacity building
Schools improved by road safety engineering
Parents trained and educated
Police officials collaborated with and trained
Drivers benefited from capacity building



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